Kurt McKee

lessons learned in production


Moving, part 9

Posted 9 December 2019 in website

Yikes, it's been almost five years since I last posted about moving my blog back to a self-hosted site! Time really flies.

Anyway, my site is up and running again! I've got a lot of important things handled already:

  1. The site is encrypted using Let's Encrypt certificates.
  2. Entries from LiveJournal and Blogger have been imported.
  3. Feeds are up and running.

There's still a lot left to do, though:

  • The default theme was designed in 2009 and isn't mobile-friendly.
  • The CSS files are all requested individually; they should be joined together.
  • I haven't figured out how to easily create links between entries.

I'll keep working on it, though!

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