Kurt McKee

lessons learned in production


Hey there! This article was written in 2007.

It might not have aged well for any number of reasons, so keep that in mind when reading (or clicking outgoing links!).

Of presidents and internets

Posted 10 April 2007 in communication, politics, and technology

The other day I was thinking about what technologies would be appropriate and useful if I were a successful politician (as opposed to being a successful math major). I would want to be as transparent as possible, but what technology would allow me to do that best?

The impetus for this was the fact that I don't trust the American media. You know they're really reaching when they just run AP articles and original articles cite blogs as sources of information. Weak sauce, American media! If I were a politician, I think I would like to open up more direct communication with the public, and dismiss the American media almost entirely. Big Media would tell the public that I'm anti-press (a charge that should cause people to pause for a moment; the United States is currently ranked 53rd in the 2006 Press Freedom Index thanks to the Bush administration).

The problem would end up being, how would a person effectively deal with stupid people drowning out intelligent debate? In a forum environment, signal could easily be lost in the noise of people arguing back and forth with "Kurt's awesome!" and "No he isn't!"

I guess that wouldn't be much of an argument, but I'm sure you take my meaning.

The point is, I think it's a worthwhile exercise to tackle how best to let people ask questions and debate without getting lost in the sheer volume of discussion a major politician could generate. A blog without commenting enabled (as some politicians have) doesn't cut it in my mind. Any ideas?

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