Kurt McKee

lessons learned in production


Hey there! This article was written in 2009.

It might not have aged well for any number of reasons, so keep that in mind when reading (or clicking outgoing links!).

Subclassing Python types

Posted 6 March 2009 in python

I recently found a need to subclass the builtin type unicode and add some additional properties. To instantiate I wanted to pass in a big, ugly object and get a unicode object back. After trying fruitlessly to override __init__, I finally read up on the Python data model. Turns out I needed to override both __new__ and __init__.

Here's a quick example:

class Equation(unicode):
    def __new__(cls, i1, i2, i3):
        eq = u"%(i1)s + %(i2)s = %(i3)s" % {'i1':i1, 'i2':i2, 'i3':i3}
        return unicode.__new__(cls, eq)

    def __init__(self, i1, i2, i3):
        self.__is_valid = False
        if i1 + i2 == i3:
            self.__is_valid = True

    def is_valid(self):
        return self.__is_valid

If I instantiate this with equation = Equation(1, 2, 3), equation will act like a unicode object with the value u'1 + 2 = 3', and equation.is_valid will be True. Similarly, equation = Equation(2, 2, 5) will look like u'2 + 2 = 5', and is_valid will be False.

I doubt I'll forget this, but at least now I have it recorded somewhere.

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