Kurt McKee

lessons learned in production


Hey there! This article was written in 2006.

It might not have aged well for any number of reasons, so keep that in mind when reading (or clicking outgoing links!).

Internationalization of the installer

Posted 8 July 2006 in adodb, gettext, idea, json, sabrosus, and smarty

I've just begun adding the backend code that will allow the Sa.bros.us installer to be translated into other languages; I hope to have the installer translation-friendly before hitting my next block of workdays. I'd like to complete the transition to gettext as quickly as possible and move on to other tasks. Here are some ideas I've got running through my head:

  1. Use Smarty

Right now, Sa.bros.us has absolutely no separation between the code and the output. Smarty would conceivably allow for faster theme creation and simpler, more readable code.

  1. Use ADOdb

Sa.bros.us has a lot of SQL code mixed in directly with the program logic; it seems that abstracting all of that into function calls would allow us to support Postgresql and many other databases fairly easily. ADOdb may be helpful here.

  1. Use JSON

JSON is a great way to exchange information over the web in dynamic applications. It's also a great building block for Firefox extensions. Building JSON support in could conceivably allow us to more quickly support cool mash-ups, like bookmark synchronization.

Those ideas, however, are much farther down the road. The most important thing right now is making gettext support stable and getting Sa.bros.us 1.7 out the door so people can start using the new code and adding translations. Anybody speak French or German?

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